Monday, 29 February 2016

Friday, 26 February 2016

Learning Through Play - Our Bee Inquiry

We welcomed 4 children into the Pukeko Nest on orientation this afternoon - Emily C, Esme, Luke, and Eva.

From the children's previous 'Wonderings' today they have learned that birds don't lay the bee's eggs, the queen bee does; that a beehive looks like lots of hexagonal cells which is where the honey is made; and that bees transfer pollen from flowers to the beehive to make the honey. They also learned that bees talk to each other by doing a waggle dance.

They also had the chance to be technologists and create a beehive, and create a bee mask.

The children's next 'Wonderings' are - What are the antennae used for? How is nectar from flowers used? What are the people (beekeepers) wearing?

Friday's Stars of the Day - Eli and Emily W!

Thursday's Stars of the Day - Tom and Lucy!

Friday, 19 February 2016

Aladdin Show

Today we had six children having orientation visits - Sam, Luke, Eva, Stella, Emily C, and Lucy. Lucy and Sam will be starting with us in the Pukeko Nest next week.

We had a drama company come in to perform Aladdin to the whole school this afternoon. The children absolutely loved it! Blair got to actually rub the magic lamp!

Here are some photos -

Friday's Star of the Day - Indigo!

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Parent Help Needed - Wednesday!

PUKEKO TEAM TRIP – Wednesday 24th February: The Pukeko Team, including Pukeko Nest, have planned a trip to visit Spencer Park. We see this as a wonderful opportunity for our new whanau to get to know other Marshland School families. We hope you can come along and share lunch with our tamariki. We are leaving school at 11.30am, arriving at approximately 11.45am. We will be back to school by 3.00pm. If you can help with supervision on the day, please let your child’s home-group teacher know. The cost for bus transport for this trip is $4.00 which will be charged to your account. More information will be sent home soon. 

Tabloid Sports

The senior children in Toroa organised a tabloid sports event this afternoon.

Our tamariki loved taking part - especially in the sack race!