Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Cup Telephones

Did you know that just like we travel to school so does sound travel!
We travel by car, scooter and our own legs. Today we found out that our sound can travel by string!!!
Check out our photos of us experimenting with cup telephones.

We are Scientists !
We have been learning about pitch and how the amount of vibrations made changes the pitch. 
We used glass bottles with different amounts of coloured water in each one. This changed the pitch. The one with the least amount of water made a higher pitch because more vibrations were produced. 
We even got to play the glass bottles like a percussion, woodwind and brass instrument.

Monday, 30 May 2016

Pukeko Nest wish to extend a warm welcome to Orion and his family. We look forward to having you.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Instrument Families

   This week we learnt that just like we belong to a family so do musical instruments.
   We found out that there are 4  families that music instruments belong to.

   We watched a youtube clip. You can view it by clicking the picture below.

                                           We can show you the four families.


Saturday, 28 May 2016

Many of our Pukeko Nest children enjoyed Pukeko Sport on Wednesday after school. Here are some great pics of the girls putting everything into their Netball skills training.
 Thanks Jo.

Friday, 27 May 2016

We loved doing our hundreds and thousands experiment and you can share our writing here. Click the picture to view.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

We loved the story of The Baby Owls. You can view video by clicking the picture below.

We retold the story and and we would like to share our work in this Powerpoint. 

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

The Power of Yet - Pukeko Nest (Kidd) have been writing about growth mindsets!

In episode 3 of Class Dojo, Katie is the smartest kid in school. However, she was afraid to ask for help when she couldn't do something, as she was worried her friends would laugh at her. Click on the video below to watch what your children have been writing about today. 

Then click on the Adobe link to read their amazing writing.

Click HERE to view the children's writing

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Mouse Trap

Pukeko Nest Gain have been talking a lot about having an open mind and not giving up. If we can't do something we have to keep on trying and think of different ways to solve our problems. The children loved watching this (with a happy ending!) and wish to share their own stories they wrote retelling the event.

You may watch the video below
Click our  MOUSE STORIES  to share our work.

Friday, 20 May 2016

Growth Mindset - Never give up!

This week the children (Pukeko Kidd) have learned how if we don't give up on a task, and keep on trying, our brains actually grow!

Click here to watch this week's episode of Class Dojo, and read your child's writing:

Today we learnt about sound. We learnt that sound is vibrations which travel through a medium (air) to our ear. Our eardrum then vibrates and our brain interprets this as sound. We did an experiment which showed us how sound works. We put hundreds and thousands on top of some glad wrap which was wrapped really tightly around a bowl. We practiced the sounds of letters which then made the hundreds and thousands move. Mr B showed us how it was done before we had a turn. The louder the noise we made the more the hundreds and thousands moved. Some even went flying on to the table. Then the best part happened and we got to eat all the hundreds and thousands.
You may like to have a go at doing this at home. Here is a you tube link that explains the process.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Welcome to Annabel

Pukeko Nest extend a warm welcome to Annabel. We love having you.

Mufti Day tomorrow - FRIDAY - Gold coin donation

Tomorrow will be a mufti day to raise money for Sean and Emily Reeves who travel to Australia in June to represent NZ at the trampoline champs.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Pukeko Kidd have been learning how to grow their brains!

The children have been learning about how to have a Growth Mindset, and what it takes to grow our brains.

This is the first episode in the Class Dojo series which they have watched and written about this week - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zrtHt3bBmQ

Click on the presentation below to view their wonderful writing.

Ka mau to wehi tamariki mā!

Look at all the different ways we made 5.

Pukeko pranks

Pukeko Nest crept down to our creek to spy on the Pukekos that have been pulling out the plants that the City Care workers  have been planting to beautify our creek. The children were thrilled to hear the story of these rapscallion Pukekos. You can share their stories on this link   https://slate.adobe.com/cp/V0GIR/

It is lovely to have two enthusiastic boys join our Learning hub this week. We are thrilled to have you, Ben and Dylan.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all our fantastic Pukeko Nest Mums. The children loved writing about their Mums.
You can share their writing in this powerpoint.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Anzac Day

Pukeko Nest acknowledged  Anzac by reading Anzac stories, making and painting poppies.
We would like to share our retell of Roly the Anzac Donkey. 

Click here to view our presentation. Anzac Presentation

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Cross Country Practice

We have had lots of fun practicing for the Cross Country which will held on the 12th May at 2.30.
You are most welcome to come and watch the whole school participating.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

We love having Sam and Archie with us. They joined us in the last week of Term 1 and are already learning so much!

Welcome Erina

We wish to extend a warm welcome to Erina and her family.